B.A.S.E. was developed specifically with the renewable energy project construction industry in mind. The observation processes developed by the committee composed of supervisors and foremen in the field have enabled Borea to determine risky and predominantly safe behaviors on construction sites. There are observers at each site who, by monitoring workers, reinforce safe behaviors and correct risky behaviors by working with those affected to find a safe solution. Borea has taken advantage of this development and follows the same method on its sites. The strength of B.A.S.E. is that it aims to prevent accidents and incidents before they happen.
Daily and weekly safety meetings, and safety committee meetings are enhanced by an average of 200 one-on-one safety meetings per month, and fuelled by our B.A.S.E. program. Implemented in 2013, the program has been so effective that Borea’s key performance indicators point to significant decreases in accidents and lost-time incidents. Thanks to B.A.S.E., we can guarantee industry-leading safe workplaces for our employees and our clients.